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Daramdin - Sombaria

Daramdin is a village-town located in the western part of Sikkim, India. Daramdin is located near Soreng, Dentam, Kaluk and Gyalshing. Daramdin was ruled by a feudal king Na Hang in the 1st century. This place mostly comprises Subba/Limboos and Lepchas, other communities like Pradhans, Chettris and Bhujels are also there in small numbers. Whereas the Town of Sombaria is at an higher altitude the termed as the potato bowl of Sikkim and gateway to the treks to Barsey, Chewa Banjyang.

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Place of Interest / Things to do
Sai Mandir

Sai Mandir (temple) in Daramdin is an interesting pilgrimage destination. The mandir has a quite a big compound with landscaped garden full of different varieties of flowers. There is a dedicated Hindu priest and some volunteers to help the visitors to show around the mandir complex. 

Rose Nurseries

Rose Nurseries - Sikkim is known for its rich organic farming as the majority of the population in the state depends upon agriculture directly or indirectly. Floriculture is another opportunity for locals to earn their livelihood and providing a platform for budding entrepreneurs. More than one hectare of area is under Rose Flower cultivation. It’s worth a visit to one of these green houses to have a look at  different verities of roses.

Lepcha Ladder

Lepcha Ladder to the Sky remains - Villagers of Daramdin had a debate on the distance between their village and the sky. They decided to erect a tower made of clay pots arranged one after another. The construction started and eventually the tower got higher and higher, when they were on the verge to achieve the goal, the man on the top of the tower shouted, “Kok bing yang tal” (Get me a pole to strike the sky) to the men in the bottom. Unfortunately, the men below heard Cheka which means destroy. Therefore the men in the bottom destroyed the ladder and their mission to touch the sky ended in smoke. The bits and pieces of the potteries, the remains of the big blunder are still found today.

  • Near Co-Operative, Middle Sichey Gangtok, East Sikkim, India, 737101
