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Mechuka is a small hamlet cuddled up 6,000 feet above sea level in the Mechuka Valley in West Siang District. This picturesque Valley is about 29 km from Indo-Tibet border and around 500 km from the state capital Itanagar. It is one of the most picturesque destinations in the state. The nearest big town Along, which is a major tourist hub is approx 180 km from Mechuka. This place of Arunachal Pradesh is known for both its religious and historical significance. Mechuka is also known as Menchuka, which is made of three words: “Men” means "medicinal", “Chu” means "water" and “Kha” means "ice" in local language. The melted water flows here from the snow capped peak is believed to have medicinal values.

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Place of Interest / Things to do
Samten Yongcha Monastery

The major tourist attraction of Mechuka other than the natural beauty and clear mountain air, is a 400-year-old Buddhist Monastery, of Samten Yougcha. This monastery is located at a hilltop in the westernmost part of Mechuka above the Mechuka airfield. Idols of Guru Padmavasambhava and a few are found in this monastery. Other than the caretaker no one is present during the day time other than on festive occasions, however the caretaker is always present there to tell you stories of this age old monastery. They also have dormitories if anyone would like to stay over.

Hanging Bridges

There are a number of traditional hanging bridges which are used by the locals for crossings over rivers and streams in the Mechuka Valley. Yragyapchu river which meanders around the valley gives ample opportunities to try crossing one of these traditional bridges.

Read blog post: Mechuka a land of hanging bridges

Siko Dido falls

An hour’s drive from Mechuka is the 200 feet tall Siko Dido falls near the village of Lipo on the road to Basar. There is a small plunge pool at the bottom of the fall which makes and thick foliage around the falls. This falls make a good place to a day picnic.

Read blog post: A waterfalls surrounded by gorgeous green mountains

  • Near Co-Operative, Middle Sichey Gangtok, East Sikkim, India, 737101

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